As I was doing my laundry recently, I couldn't help but notice that 70% of the washings are comprised of pyjamas and loungewear, which is an indicator of how I spend my waking (and beauty sleep) hours in the 24 hours on a given day. As the days of wearing power suits and stilettos to work are history, working from home being the norm and having to travel to my workstation (hotdesk for some) where I tend to work alone anyway, I am no longer shopping for work attire but casual chic as well as home wear to match my current needs.
Am I being lazy and sloppy? Not at all! The popularity of PJ style clothing is on the rise, designer label loungewear is prevalent on the catwalk, I am definitely rooting for cosy and stylish loungewear, reflecting my desire for 'relaxation time' at home. I won't go that far as to wearing them out as yet as I still prefer to keep the lines of demarcation that cut a neat divide between the different spheres of my life. I am still very much attached to my favourite worn PJs to sleep but crossover items like drawstring silk pants, cotton sweat pants and cozy nightwear are high on my priority list. Is there any surprise that 'athleisurewear' is gaining an allotted place in stores worldwide?

I suppose we are all spending more time at home these days thanks to technology and the internet. Nights out with the girls have been replaced by nights curling up in front of netflix and colouring books, not to mention online shopping which is a bliss for those who hate getting out of the house and elbowing others in shopping malls. Entrepreneurs and start-ups are gaining momentum like never before so what do we need to get dressed up for anymore when your office is just 30 seconds from your bedroom? Even for people like myself who has taken occupancy at a workstation not far from where I live, I don't need to dress up to impress anyone (unless I am meeting with clients) so I can walk out the door simply with something decent and casual, as I am adopting a more relaxed attitude to workwear.

(On a sidenote, have you checked your shoe rack lately and what do you find? Even Victoria Beckham has gone from the impossibly glamazonian stilettos to flats so what are you waiting for? Most of my shoes are either sneakers with thick soles (I don't like the feeling of my soles touching too close to the ground) or block heels on occasions when I feel like dressing up. I have long given up on shoes in which I can't walk for more than 5 minutes and knowing my style helps a lot when it comes to investing in the best shoes to die for. I live in sandals most of the year and the factors I consider when shopping for shoes are wearability, comfort and sensibility. You can find a melange of styles including sneakers, loafers, sandals, block heels, and rainboots in my closet, all of which are highly practical and comfortable, matching most of my existing garments.)
Instead of wearing my PJ all day and night, I opt for a oversize nightshirt / top over loose fitted pants when I have a day in. What about you? How do you make hanging out at home heaven?