You never asked a woman of her age, as I was told over and over again. But why not? What is so shameful or criminal about it but simply a tab on how much time has passed since our first day borned into this world? I have no issues revealing my age, in fact, I have a habit of reminding of others how old I am every now and then. Does being a larger number makes me any lesser? Who is setting the parameters to decide on the number when a woman is no longer attractive, desirable and / or valued in society? I certainly don't wear clothing which I don't feel comfortable in just to make myself 'look' younger!
It doesn't matter if you are spending your life savings relying on slow aging treatments and products which promise life regeneration, you are still going to die. The ageing process starts the second we are conceived. The path to wellbeing is not trying to force your face / body into denying your age. I haven't yet met anyone who is undergoing plastic surgery / botox / beauty treatment of some kinds who is happy with herself; if not downright miserable. According to the statistics, more than 10K of baby boomers are turning 65 everyday. Does it mean the world at large is about to be dominated by 'old' people? Instead of travelling the world , some will eventually become bedridden and unable to go as far as out of their own bedrooms. This is the harsh reality of life and as nobody is privileged to live forever, death is just part of the human experience to be acknowledged.
I suppose women in midlife should focus on their sense of purpose rather than the age. Most women would have established a healthy sense of identity, roles in life that are expected, a history of checking off generally accepted milestones pretty much on schedule. However, I don't have a family of my own or any of the traditional markers of middle-age success, and that is all the more reason why I am still developing a sense of generativity, a life of purpose and which matters, and that it makes a difference. It is my job to make meaning from the choices that I have made, and the ways things have worked out so far. I can't help but ponder upon my less than perfect life, considering how my current life is somehow misaligned with the needs and capacities of my authentic self.
What do I gravitate towards when I am not working?
Who do I admire and what are their qualities?
When do I feel most satisfied?

I honestly believe that we really grow old when we live without a purpose, and nothing over the counter would help. I highly recommend reading 'the Van Gogh Blues' if you are slightly depressed. It is crucial to take the time to discover your passions, needs and place in the world. Listen to what your inner self is saying and not the advertisements marketing their latest shiny gadget. Knowing that it does matter what you do as it affects everything else in the ecosystem. And the hardest of all is to accept, if not appreciate the body you currently have which might be categorised as 'unattractive' by the ridiculous standard of size zero models.
So How OLD are you?
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