A woman can never has too many bags. For me, accessories like handbags are crucial to complete an outfit with style, something I wouldn't mind splurging on. As I am not a 'uniform' person who can bear wearing the same / similar outfit day in and day out, I tend to change my handbags fairly often to go with what I am wearing on a particular day, and yes, I have lots of handbags to choose from, like my shoe-racks fit for a queen.
The gist of changing up my handbags so frequently is the inner transfer bag (with a handle and loads of compartments) which save a lot of time and headaches. I make sure all my 'essentials' are in there and swapping handbags becomes a piece of cake as I know nothing is forgotten before I walk out the door. Of course, I also take into account what I am doing on the day, the weather which decide how much I need to carry with me.
So what is in my handbag (or tote)?
In my transfer bag for all the essentials and smaller items:
glasses cleaning cloth
store loyalty cards (in a silicon pouch)
business cards (in card holders)
my personal colour swatch
medications (including paracetamol)
tissues (dry and wet wipes)
face cleanser / cotton pads
And in my handbag du jour:
recycle bag
portable wifi (charged)
portable fan (charged)
keys (in a key holder)
phone (charged)
mini notepad
a book (fiction or thriller)
I like to be well prepared so lugging a medium - large size bag is a way of everyday life. However, I make sure I clear the contents out at the end of the day to be organised.
How about you? Are u carrying too much (or too little) and would you consider swapping to a crossbody / rucksack option if you get shoulder and neck pain from all the weight bearing on you?
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