Ageing and death are processes that begin on the day we are born, and for some people, it seems that we are just waiting for the inevitable to knock on our doors, not quite prepared for the last breath. Yes, it is not particularly enlightening when you look back to what you used to look like, your physicality and appearance, the accomplishments and the prime days when the world was rosy pink; and that is, compared to now. However, why the reminiscence but to accept the harsh reality of life and get older gracefully, to live better for god knows how long we have left instead?
Of all the recommendations from health professionals with regard to healthy ageing, I can't stress more about finding a new purpose in the second phase of your life i.e. post retirement or post 40 for that matter. It could simply be a pursuit of a passion or starting your own business. I am a life-long learner as I just thrive on learning new things and skills since my university days and my money goes to enrolling courses if not for travelling. Getting your beauty sleep of 7-9 hours is so so important for us should you believe the old sayings that older people require less sleep.

I am 48 and I have no intention of hiding my age or turning the clock backwards with the latest technology for age reversal. I try not to compare myself of today with the person I used to look like. Accepting myself as the older version gives me confidence. I want to look and feel my best at the age I currently am. The past is history shelved in the attic and now I am free to be me at my best without the need to fit in or anyone's approval. I colour my hair, cut it real short (and about to shave it bald), planning to get my second tattoo, not to look younger but to look my best with my complexion and style messaging. It is all the more crucial to develop a standout style to stay visible. What you wear and makeup tips and tricks certainly make an enormous difference!

In general the topic of death is a taboo as we fear death to the point of ignoring the signs of ageing. Wrinkles or not, death is part of the package we receive on our birthday and wrinkles do not mean death as young ones die pre-maturely these days. While you are still a breathing human being, you might as well embrace ageing gracefully and be beautiful!

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