
How can I help you...?

Only a few years ago, I was a die-hard shopaholic who would succumb to the new arrivals on the rack and went crazy on my plastic, ended up accumulating so much that I could have opened my own shop selling the best of the bests. The concept of ageing was never in my consciousness, believing that I would remain to be the gorgeous 20 something forever, looking great even in rags. Gosh was that narcissism or what was I thinking at the time??? 

After my decision to change career in my mid 40s and took the courage (which never seems to run out), never mind the time, effort and investment to become a certified Personal Stylist trained with one of the bests in the UK a couple of years ago do I realize that I have been wearing all the wrong colours and styles and that ageing is a hard reality of life which I slowly learn to accept and deal with, with grace.

I was browsing in one of my favourite shops in town the other day and couldn't get my eyes off a top, a longish tunic with denim splits on the sides at a reasonable price point. Unfortunately the big bold words crocheted on the front seemed a bit childish and pretentious, which doesn't agree well to my age and my personality. Shame. I must confess my taste on what I put on my body, including head gear, jewellery, accessories, bags and shoes have changed drastically since the first day of my training as I learn so much about wearing the right colours, finding and expressing my authentic self through my unique styles, how to make my wardrobe manageable and well-coordinated, and the way I shop has dramatically changed for the better, saving me all the time and money purchasing garments I tend to forget about the minute I get home. (Gail, thanks for having me at your course!) The transformation has been almost instant and life changing to a large extent, considering my addiction to shopping was serious enough to get me into mountains of debt.

I am a real person, with a real body which is far from perfect so what looks stunning on a mannequin doesn't translate well to a rectangle body shape with a protruding tum. Having evolved myself over time physically and intellectually, I am now more aware of what I wish to express to the world and becoming more confident in the way I present myself through what I choose to buy and wear. Being stylish and well dressed (looking put-together) has never been in the forefront of my mind until recently when I started getting compliments about the outfits and my asethetics which are so motivating and encouraging for both myself and my clients (and you the readers!)

Teaching English has been rewarding and satisfying when I see improvements of my students; who  have become so much more confident in their everyday life knowing that they have acquired a high level of English proficiency which they are proud of. Similarly, it is my mission to help women to discover who they really are (without the official personality tests) and how to express that through their personal colours and styles so that they too can look beautiful and feel great at all times, which inevitably brings about the confidence which was drown out by the negativity and pessimistic outlook of life in the ageing process (and many other reasons too). So I am like a doctor (a consultant) who mends your broken spirit (without the drugs) while providing you the education and advice pertaining to your individual style and personality and the symptoms of recovery is a surge of confidence, acceptance of your own flawed body and the increasing number of candles on your upcoming birthdays and a celebration of beautiful and stylish women around you for who they are. My business and my blogs are just a couple of the many avenues to reach out and influence you to discover your own style (which is an attitude really), to retrieve your  confidence and to empower you with tips to stay current and simply gorgeous.

To a better version of your self,