
Amazing Women who age gracefully and are still looking desirable!

I got a copy of New You magazine and couldn't peel my eyes off the front cover. There was this stunning woman posing away above the title: the iconic Norma Kamali, I had no idea who she was until I searched on google and found that this gorgeous woman showing off her ageless beauty who was both chic and elegant is 70 years old.

A fashion designer by trade, Norma has made major contribution to style. She revealed that her secret was to not want to be young but to be the best at where she was in her life. She has chain stores carrying her pioneered designs, and has just started to incorporate 'health and wellness' into her business. She is adamant about putting less on her face to let the skin breathe. 

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Her motto: Growing up but never growing old.

And I must confess Carol Vorderman from TV's Countdown is looking glamorous at the age of 56, with an hour glass figure to die for. She is a trail-blazer for women over 50 who knows exactly what suits her. She has a sense of style that's not reliant on fashion but drawing on her understanding of what flatters her body shape. 

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Her motto: Know yourself, accept yourself and dress to please yourself.

And let's take a look at some celebrities who age gracefully without going under the knife:
Christie Brinkley 59
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She looks better than most teenagers!

Diane Keaton 67
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She follows a very simple beauty regime: "I wash my face and put some cream on".

Jane Fonder 78
Jane Fonda Cannes
One of the most ageless, graceful, elegant and lovely ladies in Hollywood. 
She can make better workout videos than young fitness gurus. 

Meryl Streep 65

Dame Judy Dench 80
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Kim Basinger 59
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Susan Sarandon 68
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One of the most beautiful leading ladies in Hollywood. Can you believe she is a grandmother?

Carmen Dell'Orefice 81
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She is known for the distinction of being the world's oldest working model! 

Sophia Loren 82
Sophia Loren Cannes
She’s been a beauty her entire life, and she’s not afraid to embrace her age as it gracefully and naturally happens to her.

Now these are some women who are an inspiration to all of us over 50...exuding so much self confidence in expressing their authenticity regardless of their age. Copy that!


Forever YOUNG...who are you kidding?

There are those who would never get caught outside without make up on, and there are those who go even further by visiting the surgery religiously, and I must say I respect these women who prefer to impress others at a cost not to be underestimated. I too used to make my face pretty in my 20s with expensive make-up but I swapped my cosmetics to skin care products in my third year at university. I just couldn't be bothered with the fuss as I was already pretty at the time and never once did it occur to me that I need to alter my features or body parts as a grown woman. I can't see the reason to go under the knife no matter what.

Image result for images of wearing make-upNow that I am nearly 50, living in an era when our culture is still obsessed with youth, busyness / activities and productivity as long as one lives, I find myself caught in a dilemma when I can't bear looking into the mirror only to see a stranger looking back at me, with scars and flaws all over my aged face / body. After much contemplation, I decided I don't want to go back to that stage when the world was my oyster and compliments of my look were a daily thing. It is ridiculous to act as if I were still young losing my dignity in the process. I am no longer the same person with the same desires at 47 as I were at 24. Life has never been an easy ride so why would I want history to repeat itself?

Image result for images of agingThe concept and reality of mortality has never been far from my consciousness since my cousin passed away destroyed by cancer a decade ago. She was my age when she left the world. There are deaths caused by accidents, suicide, illnesses, old age, etc  but whatever the reason, it is something which comes with the birth package and no-one can return the parcel. We are not meant to live forever. I am now less interested in material things and find the minimalist lifestyle indeed appealing. There are people who are suffering from depression, despair, fear of death and regret, under the spell of denying / concealing what aging does to them and having a hard time getting over / accepting it. I for one might be holding on too tightly to what I used to be and thinking the way I used to think. 

How can we make the process of aging a positive experience? Could it be a time of progressive refinement of what matters? Instead of spending our little energy, time ans money buying into beauty advertisements which promise life prolongment, maybe it is wiser to be true to life and ourselves, How about choosing to spend the rest of the remaining years doing something meaningful, and sustainable? I certainly don't want to cling onto some pain and unfulfillment  on my deathbed. Who am I fooling thinking I could maintain my appearance and avoid death? And I honestly hate to say I wish for a longer life when my life is all about surviving, working my rear off and paying bills, 

Image result for images of staying youngA friend I haven't seen for a while bumped into me the other day and asked me how I was. The words 'same shit, different day' came straight out of my mouth without a second thought. I am living a life of desperation and routine, breathing just because my heart is still beating before it fails me. Yes, I am writing this blog for you readers and myself, reminding mortals that aging is a developmental stage (according to Carl Jung) as we move further into individuation. Our psychological awareness is evolving with time and I am working on breaking out of the rut where I am comfortably numb, and get a life, for real.

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Effortlessly stylish

I am sure you have heard about 'minimalism' a gazillion times over especially on blogs; the subject of which is prevalent and in this post, I wish to talk about minimalism particularly in the fashion industry. As we are becoming more aware of the dire condition of our planet, women in particular are opting for simplicity which means fewer clothes and a capsule wardrobe that works. At mid-age, we want forgiving silhouettes for our ageing body and minimalism is the answer to our prayers: a combination of natural, classic thrown in with a bit of drama. We want pieces that are loose and un-constructed, preferably in cotton, linen, silk and cashmere. We want it simple as it translates classic which is timeless. And for those who still want to be visible among the millenniums, we want something a bit edgy / dramatic with exaggerated silhouettes. Neutral colours work best when you know which colour type you are as they are the foundations on which you create outfits. 
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Have you heard of Project 333? It is a minimal wardrobe concept started by Courtney back in 2010 when she selected 33 garments to wear for the following 3 months. I am not sure if I want to be restricted to a certain number in my practise in building a capsule wardrobe for myself and my clients, and I have my own system of helping my clients in terms of wardrobe management. However, I do believe in a quiet confidence, an ability to put ordinary pieces together and make them sing. I just love mixing and matching my treasure finds in second hand shops and putting disparate things together for a unique and stylish look.
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I don't have a magic formula as I don't always follow rules but there are a number of things I stick to when it comes to being stylish:

  • As a personal stylist, I know exactly what looks good for my body shape and style, I never buy into trends as I find the process so mind-numbing and unimaginative.
  • At this stage of my life, I am no longer interested in fast fashion but quality garments which last. Sales items no longer pique my interest, no matter how cheap they get.
  • I have a collection of plain white tees and button down shirts which I swear by. They are perfect for layering and versatile enough to be worn in different occasions.
  • I tend to spend more on shoes, bags and jewellery than clothing items (especially once you have your capsule sorted). These are the jewels to complete any outfit and they don't have to be expensive.
  • Visiting op shops and markets is one of my hobbies and I have a knack of finding nice pieces from what others have discarded.
  • Stay with the hairstyle that suits your face shape and avoid chemical at all costs.
  • Go for the skin care brand that works for you and try minimal make-up if at all.
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So that's it for now. Any tips to share to be effortlessly stylish?


Style-Proud.com: Is taking Selfies one of your hobbies?

Style-Proud.com: Is taking Selfies one of your hobbies?: I have recently signed up to become a registered service provider for my Image Consultancy business and was told to create a portfolio which...

Is taking Selfies one of your hobbies?

I have recently signed up to become a registered service provider for my Image Consultancy business and was told to create a portfolio which requires a selection of photos of myself looking chic and stylish to be placed on my profile page. Uhmmmmm....I have literally stopped taking photos of myself since I turned 30 and I certainly don't have a stock of selfies ready to be disposed of! Now this is going to be tough...

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Apart from a few close-up shots I had taken for my avatar (profile picture) to go on my social media accounts, I hardly take selfies. I love taking photos, not of myself but beautiful landscapes during my travels, my products in inventory, and shots I took whenever I go to a worthy event. Why is it that I am abhorrent to taking selfies when others have thousands of shots stored in their phones and posted freely on FB?

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It is obvious that selfies are used as self representations, especially when we can now edit and correct the images projected, and displaying on FB and other social media platforms marks the importance and status of the person represented. Self portraits are a way to figure out who we are. The reason behind posting our selfies publicly is to see how others see us, as if seeking approval from another source. Hence, the impact that others have on our self-value has significantly increased. It is a way of projecting our identities onto others who then endorse this identity we want to be identified with. That's kind of sick in my opinion.

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On a daily basis, I use Polyvore to create outfit combinations to post on FB and Twitter, and I don't put my face on any of those. I believe that my creations are enough to promote my brand and my identity of a certain style and a photo of myself is just unnecessary, if not narcissistic and vain. I can see how posting selfies can in a way improve self-esteem and increase self-confidence while at the same time making people feel more self-conscious about their appearances when comparison is unavoidable. To me, there is nothing wrong or sinister about taking selfies and posting for the world to see as long as we use it as a tool to document an event/ milestone or taking mementos of a great life. Showing off your new look after a visit to the surgery might not be a good idea! I believe face photos / selfies are equally important when it comes to marketing campaigns as your customers / clients would like to have a glimpse of who they are really dealing with. I will only use selfies to share the news about a new product or service, as well as in promotion campaign for my bushiness.

Image result for images of people taking selfiesImage result for images of people taking selfies

So what is your take on selfies?


Style-Proud.com: Make space for the new year!

Style-Proud.com: Make space for the new year!: It's 1/3/2017 and I am back in my office after a longish sabbatical home alone. Far from being unproductive, I did a year end appraisal...

Make space for the new year!

It's 1/3/2017 and I am back in my office after a longish sabbatical home alone. Far from being unproductive, I did a year end appraisal and cleaned up my closet to make sure I know what I have got and decided this is the year not to consume anymore than is necessary, but be productive in my waking hours creating, be it my blog post, artwork, outfit coordination, you name it.
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Another year older means I am no longer young. Adapt or die. Yes I do feel overwhelmed by technology and the pace everyone else is going, the information which is so freely available 24/7, and the fact that I am a mess in terms of work and finance. None of these are worthy of mentioning but meanwhile, I enjoy the cliche 'been there, done that.'. I am all the more confident about a lot of things (sometimes to the point of intimidating) and I no longer care about what other humans think. I get to choose what and who I give a shit about and that is total liberation which teenagers don't get to experience as yet. I report to no-one, and being single and childless, I take silent pleasure in the strange intimacy of solitude. 
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Going back to the closet. After much purging and contemplation, I do agree with my friends who told me thousand times over how I look expensive even when utterly broke. I try not to look dowdy by mixing and matching inexpensive items based on my knowledge as a personal stylist, shop at little quirky places (and charity shops) for items which are unique, my colour and my style. It is indeed a kind of therapy when you just need some brain exercises and some kind of indulgence without breaking the bank.
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So here are some tips for you to update your style to welcome a brand new year:

  1. Be realistic about your body shape. Accentuate your assets and play down on the bits you wish to conceal by wearing garments that graze your body and create some structure.
  2. Be honest with yourself when you shop. Go for items which match with the life you are living and not a life you wish you had.
  3. Do not follow the rules of age appropriateness if they don't make sense to you.
  4. Accept that you don't have the body / figure you once had 20 years ago. Stop wishing for a different body shape / size. Get real!
  5. Black is not the only neutral colour and it could look awful if you are not a winter person.
  6. Take some risks once in a while, as long as you have your basic essentials in your closet.
  7. Stop thinking what others might think of you. They don't. Wear whatever you feel good in and that is all that matters.
  8. Remove items you don't need or love. If in doubt, get a Personal Stylist to do it for you.
  9. Sentimental pieces are just that, physical items which tie to some kind of memories which you don't want to let go of. However, that 'sentimentalism' is already etched in your heart.
  10. Forget about fashion advice when you were little. They are no longer valid and appropriate in 2017!
  11. Do not identify yourself with designer labels just to impress others. There is no meaning whatsoever to find your own personal value through material things which come and g
  12. Trust your instinct when it comes to ditching and preserving. It's your call!
  13. Remember trend is ephemeral, style is forever.
  14. Invest time and money finding your own style and be rewarded with spending less time and money in the long run.
  15. Take care of your garments to prolong their life.
  16. Do not buy something just because it is on sale. 
  17. We were all born with style and it is just a matter of learning about it.
  18. Accessorising is the solution to add personality to your outfits and change your looks in the most economical ways.
  19. Get a personal stylist to come shopping with you so you can learn how to make the most out of your next trip and be happy with your new purchases.
  20. Buying more doesn't necessarily solve the problem of 'having nothing to wear'. Always shop your own closet before parting your money.
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And here are some suggested items you should toss to make space and free your mind:
  • anything that says 'festive' 
  • wire hangers
  • old undergarments / nightie
  • tailored items which are falling into pieces
  • unused cosmetics /nail polish / skin care products (check the expiry dates)
  • anything see-through
  • anything associated to your ex-es
  • family heirlooms which are not your style
  • outdated fashion magazines
  • shoes you don't wear
  • jewellery that is not your style
  • items you save for later( i.e. when I lose that 10 pounds)
And voila, have a brilliant and spacious new year...