
Happy Birthday to MOI

I turn 48 today and surprisingly I don't feel as upsetting as I did in the past. I suppose I have learnt to accept ageing as it is, a natural progression as human beings are designed to spend quite some time not being young until our last breath. It has not been easy especially for someone who has accomplished a lot in her prime years and life was indeed utopia before 30. Am I where I thought I would be? I couldn't even start to imagine having lived (or existed) for almost half a century and still in one piece up to this moment, and what did I expect my life to be at this ripe age? No idea whatsoever but:

I no longer get asked for ID when I check in a casino.
I have a few pairs of reading glasses of different prescriptions.
I am using anti-ageing skincare products.
I think everyone else younger than me is young.
I need help from the millenials with anything technical.
I purchase 'The Internet for Dummies' series to learn about the latest technology.
I find the chat lingos and smileys downright annoying.
I don't like what I see naked in the mirror.
I need cushions for neck and back support.

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As a minimalist in progress, I have come to acknowledge that nothing is permanent. NOTHING. You can't take anything with you when you pass on. Everything is a leasehold so I don't see the point of investing in a house or a car, which are only additional things you get attached to. From being someone with pretty sound health to one who is taking 20+ different types of medication for different ailments, I believe our health affect every simple living goal we ever have, reminding myself to travel as much as I physically can before it's too late. The older I get, the more I become intolerant to people wasting my time, sucking the life out of me with horseshit, work that is meaningless but a means to pay the bills. Un-friending people is now a way of life without the feeling of being a bitch and ungrateful.

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I must confess I had the best moments of my work life teaching English for 12+ years until I decided to change career (at 45) and became a certified Personal Stylist over 2 years ago. Although it was the most rewarding and satisfying experience seeing major improvements in my students, it was nevertheless draining and exhausting and I just couldn't see myself teaching grammar and sentence structure for the rest of my life. I wanted to interact with adults, women who I can bond and share experiences with.  I have always had an eye  in fashion and style and considering there is a market for Image Consultants for women who are desperate about their appearance, entrepreneurship followed suite.

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'We get too soon old and too late smart.' ¬proverb

I am a bit of a workaholic and the concept of retirement is foreign to me. I hope the effort I put into my business would bring me similar satisfactions and appreciations from women of all sizes and shapes. Why do I get into this business? I have what it takes to be a professional Personal Stylist. Why do I unapologetically market myself and my services? To make myself visible to women who need my knowledge and expertise to help them looking beautiful 24/7 without the headache. Why do I want to provide my services to these women? To make the art of dressing a whole lot easier and fun. Why is it important to those who need my help? To become confident and start loving themselves again, not to mention the saving of time and money in the long run when they are not buying things which they later regret.

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So, as part of my birthday celebration, I am offering a 15% discount on all my service packages plus all items selling at my online boutique until the end of March. 
Email me at wellbeing@netivgator.com to book your appointment now!

Bon Anniversaire pour moi!

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