To celebrate yet another International Women's Day, I have decided to share my personal opinion on the subject of gender parity my way; without expecting any applause or disagreement whatsoever. I am not a cosmetic person but it doesn't mean I don't adore how some women present themselves with full make-up on on an evening out with friends, looking the part and seem to be having a ball. They could well be solicitors, doctors, neurosurgeons, professors, you know the drill, yet they believe their appearances matter and there is no reason why they can't have them all: brains, equality and lipsticks! Caring about their looks doesn't mean they are dumb and vain! Would they call themselves feminists? I bet they do!

It takes a wild guess to determine if a woman is 'a feminist' these days. We are all complex individuals who want the same thing: equal pay, right to education, reproductive freedom, sexual autonomy, and the end of discrimination. Who cares if one feminist is a minimalist while another chooses to play barbie doll in the boardroom? The freedom to look however you choose is feminism!!! Have you ever wondered why is it that you don't get to see a lot of older women in the workplace where it is dominated by older men and/ or younger women in influential positions? Why is it that a woman who chooses to be a mother and a wife gets penalised with a lower pay rate and ostracised?
As my ex-boyfriend once said to me that I were no longer a spring chicken, I couldn't help but seeing the harsh reality of life, how we are set apart from the main stream where once we were a part. I am more alone than ever but it is more of my personal choice. Being bullied as a child, living with clinical depression for almost 2 decades, my body suffers from the effects of steroids which I take to control eczema, and more which I don't wish to lament in this post, I have gone a long way and I am proud of myself for coming out still in one piece albeit with scars and wounds.There is no going back nor do I want to but to acknowledge what it has taught me along the way.
Having said that, there are some 'harmless' greetings which are indeed ageist which I wish women my age to stand up to.
- How nice of your______to take you to brunch! (Am I not capable to go out by myself for a treat?)
- Gee, I haven't seen you around lately. Are you okay? (What makes you think I am not?)
- We didn't think you'd want to join us.(Am I so different from you guys that I don't even get invited?)
- Wow, you still surf / have sex? (Is there a law forbidding women to have sex at a certain age?)
- You don't look your age!(What am I supposed to look then?)
- 50 is the new 20!(more an insult than being compassionate)
- Nobody says that anymore...(are u saying I am outdated?)
- You stayed awake until midnight? Good for you! (Can't we have late night parties too?)
- Wow, you still do that? (Why not?)
- What can I get for you, young lady? (damn rude!)
- My grandparents are so adorable / cute / sweet. (older people are not babies or pets)
- She is 50 years young.(Why emphasise on the word 'young'?)
- You are only 50...oh you are not old. (Why emphasise on the word 'only'?)
- You don't look 50 years old. (What does a 50 years old look like?)
- At your age, you are allowed to forget some things! (people get dementia really early these days)
- Wow, you are sharp as a tack! (Is that a surprise?)
- You look good for your age!(Can't you just stop after the first 3 words?)
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